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Exchange and Support – Provincial Leadership Visits Nigeria
Ten Days in Nigeria: Provincial Leadership’s Canonical Visitation
For ten days, our Provincial Leadership visited Nigeria for the canonical visitation, focusing on project inspections, strengthening contacts, and, most importantly, engaging in conversations with all brothers. Provincial Father Helmut Scharler, Vice Provincial Father Michael Pfenning, Provincial Councilor and Mission Secretary Father Markus Hau, and Provincial Economist Father Rainer Schneiders engaged in dialogue wherever possible.
Nigeria is still a young part of the Heart of Jesus Province. This development, alongside the pioneering work of Fr. Peter Hillen, is largely thanks to the initiative of Provincial Father Scharler, explains Vice Provincial Father Michael Pfenning. Father Scharler opened the doors to this African country and brought the topic of Africa into the German-Austrian Province.
“We spoke with everyone—students, novices, postulants,” says Fr. Pfenning. The message was consistent: “We belong together. You are part of the Province and just as important as the brothers in Germany or Austria.” The delegation aimed to listen carefully, understanding the challenges and concerns.
Bringing the Pallottine Vision to the Nigerian Church
One concern, according to Fr. Pfenning, revolves around the direction of the Church in Nigeria, which is often conservative, hierarchical, and clerical, presenting difficulties for today’s Nigerian youth. “The Pallottine vision of a brotherly Church could offer an opportunity, an answer to these challenges, and an alternative,” Fr. Pfenning believes.
However, it’s essential to consider that Nigeria is a country where daily survival is a priority, the average lifespan is low, and access to healthcare is often unaffordable. “People there have different concerns,” says Fr. Pfenning. Survival is at the forefront, but even so, the Pallottines can contribute to the Church’s development.
The youth center, formation house, and Pallottine center projects were also key topics, focusing on strengthening connections with the district governor, the local king, and the bishops. The youth center’s mission is to instill Christian values and offer young people hopeful perspectives.

Strong People with a Will for the Future
The Pallottine students also need space for their growing community, as the young people are a true treasure, says Fr. Pfenning, who speaks of the Nigerian people with a certain admiration. It is a young, emerging nation, made up of strong individuals with a determination for the future. The lines of communication, strengthened during this visit, should no longer face such long interruptions as during the pandemic, assured the Vice Provincial. He emphasized the need for stronger networking between the Provincial and Delegature leadership to enhance exchange and intercultural learning.
However, the training of future Pallottines requires more than just buildings—it needs a functional structure and administration. Provincial Economist Fr. Rainer Schneiders joined the visit to review finances and get a comprehensive view of records, Excel sheets, and bookkeeping.
Further Donations Needed
Fr. Schneiders concluded: “We need an office here to support accounting. Properties need clear designation, and as a non-profit organization, it’s essential to grant signing authority to specific individuals.” The organization of health insurance, arranged through a local hospital in Nigeria, as well as Mass intentions, also need to be managed.
Thus, support from Germany does not only involve financing buildings but also encompasses establishing organizational structure and transparency on-site, stresses Vice Provincial Fr. Michael Pfenning. He notes that those interested can donate specifically to Nigeria.

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