Province Launches New Initiatives

Impressions from the Visitation of General Councilor Father Manus

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the usual visitation of our province by the General Rector, Fr. Jacob Nampudakam. ‘We found a pragmatic solution,’ says General Councilor Father Martin Manus, who has started visiting each community and engaging in discussions with the brothers. The General Rector will come to the local communities in November. This visitation takes place once in the General Rector’s six-year term.

‘A visitation is primarily a spiritual event,’ says Father Manus. Its purpose is to review the province’s situation and, together with the brothers and provincial leadership, reflect on how to proceed according to God’s will. The Pallottines in Germany and Austria have contributed significantly to the expansion of the community worldwide, particularly in Africa, India, Australia, and North and South America. With the decline in vocations, it is now a time to hand over some responsibilities. However, it is also important to launch new initiatives, as seen in Merano, Konstanz, and Kohlhagen. Additionally, by establishing a Pallottine community in Nigeria and Malawi, the province has taken on a new missionary task, requiring significant commitment but also capable of inspiring new energy.

Dynamic Growth, Fewer Structures

In other regions, such as India and Africa, the community is expanding. New schools, parishes, social and charitable institutions, retreat and educational centers are being established. There is a dynamic momentum forward with many new vocations, yet structures and administrative frameworks need to be strengthened to help the Pallottine units become more self-sufficient and financially stable. A solid education and spiritual formation for young brothers is particularly crucial. Other units, such as two in Brazil, are more or less stable. This creates a diverse global picture of the Pallottines, united by St. Vincent Pallotti’s spirit of collaboration. ‘We want to share resources,’ says Father Manus, ‘through mutual exchange rather than a one-way street.’

The pandemic not only impacted the visitation. Work at the Generalate in Rome was conducted under extreme conditions: ‘We were in full quarantine and couldn’t leave the house for two months,’ says Father Manus. This was a significant challenge for community life. The economic challenges from provinces in difficulty also reached Rome. Pallottine schools faced issues as they couldn’t collect tuition fees due to lockdowns but still had to pay staff. Pallottine communities in India, Africa, and South America have been distributing food and essential items to those in need. Here, the Sacred Heart Province has provided effective emergency assistance, noted Father Manus, adding, ‘COVID-19 has confronted us with new questions but has also shown us great solidarity.’

Generalat der Pallottiner in Rom
Generalat der Pallottiner in Rom.

Text and portrait photo: Alexander Schweda

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