Open and diverse
Involving everyone, valuing and promoting everyone’s abilities and gifts – this is part of the Pallottine profile. The diversity of people reveals something about God, since each person is an image of God, and yet no two images are alike. A symbol of the appreciation of diversity is found in the New Testament scene of women and men praying at Pentecost: the Spirit goes far beyond the space in which people are praying – the Spirit blows wherever it pleases.
God is everywhere
Pallotti challenges us to see the image of the Trinity in all people. The way to this can be found through the encounter with others, a getting to know God out of our being together. In this, God’s commitment to people is to become tangible in the light of the biblical stories and the life of Jesus. In the various daily situations of life and, at times, also in the seclusion for reflection and prayer, we encounter the same presence of God, God’s impact everywhere. The challenge lies in combining the different phases of work, community life and prayer into one: an active contemplative life. More
Connecting across boundaries
Pallottine spirituality pulls down boundaries. Being a Christian means to make no differences in the openness towards others, to be all things to all people. Pallotti challenges us to respond to God’s infinite love in a boundless way. Therefore, the Pallottine ministries can be found at the heart as well as on the margins of the church, on the periphery of society, as well as in leading, highly responsible positions, or in science and research. Pallotti’s option for all commands us to seek both locally and globally that which unites the various world views than that which divides them. More
Attentive and open to the world
Being present and attentive in our communities, relationships and responsibilities, this is Pallotti’s wish for his companions: he calls it con attualità. Our contribution to the shaping of the world is to be current, as is our testimony. To contribute to aggiornamento, i.e. bringing Jesus’s message up-to-date, was the intention of the Second Vatican Council and is also ours. More
Dynamism and change
More and more, sempre più – this is how Pallotti describes the relationship between huanity and God. It is the dynamics of a love relationship in which the lovers become more and more similar to each other. Humans, who are the image of God, are turned into the perfect image of God, into Jesus. More and more – this is a life concept far beyond increased performance. It relies on the transformative power of love. More