Den Himmel berühren

Dynamism and change

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More and more, sempre più – this is how Pallotti describes the relationship between huanity and God. It is the dynamics of a love relationship in which the lovers become more and more similar to each other. Humans, who are the image of God, are turned into the perfect image of God, into Jesus. More and more – this is a life concept far beyond increased performance. It relies on the transformative power of love.

The transformation of the world takes place concretely through the practice of collaboration and contemplation, a form of prayer which consists in centering and silence. Retreats also transform the world. To make a retreat means to do exercises. The exercise consists of recognizing the image of the Crucified Christ in all and of discovering one’s own soul in God.

Wachsen im Glauben
Spiritualität der Pallottiner - Dynamik und Wandel


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