The Pallottines in Nigeria

The mother house of the Pallottines is now in Mbaukwu

Long before Father Peter Hillen came to Nigeria in 2007 to set up a mission, the Pallottines already had a close connection there. This was through Monsignor Father Dr Martin Chukwubunna Ezeokoli, who met Pallottine Sister Clementia Burkhard SAC during his studies in Rome. As the Pallottine missionary secretary, she supported many seminarians. When Fr Martin returned to his diocese of Awka, he began forming Pallotti groups with students at the Technical University in Oko and working with them.

Slogan ‘Pallotti for action’ as a working programme

The slogan ‘Pallotti for Action – Action for Christ’ became a working programme, and the joy and dynamism of the students in Oko was heard as far away as Germany and Cameroon. Pastor Martin was invited to a symposium at our Pallottine University in Vallendar, whereupon the then Provincial Superior, Norbert Hannapel, together with Father Hillen (at that time rector of the seminary in Merrivale, South Africa), decided to visit Nigeria. In June 2001, the two were warmly and joyfully received in Oko.

The first Nigerian students were accepted for formation in South Africa, and in 2010, Fr John Ndidi Nwaocha became the first Nigerian Pallottine priest. Many Nigerian students followed.

In January 2007, Father Hillen decided to go to Nigeria as a tourist for the first time to explore possibilities for a mission station. There, Bishop Simon Okafor appointed him as chaplain at Holy Trinity Nanka Parish. He left Nanka after 15 months to open a formation house in Mbaukwu. Dr Peter Eche showed him a house that had originally been planned as a student residence for Catholic women. Father Hillen invested in the house, and after its completion it became the first postulancy house of the Pallottine Fathers in Nigeria.

Land donated by the king

King Anukwu donated land to the Pallottine Fathers to enable the community to have a permanent presence. To secure the future in Nigeria, a small student residence was built, along with a chicken, fish and pig farm. This was followed by a drinking water factory, ‘Pallotti Table Water’, and the Holy Trinity retreat and guest house, which was inaugurated by the local bishop, Dr Paulinus Chukwuemeka Ezeokafor, in October 2015. Professor Maurice Iwu donated the ‘Divine Mercy Grotto’. Barester J. Asiebgu gave us Pallottine land in Uke so that the community could expand.

As Mission Secretary, Father Hillen was able to implement a number of social projects in the villages that have improved the living conditions of the poor and disadvantaged. Among other things, he was able to procure teaching materials for kindergartens and primary schools; he built youth centres in Nanka, Mbaukwu and Nimo; and two palm oil mills were built for women in Nanka and Mbaukwu.

The headquarters and youth centre of the Nigeria delegation have been inaugurated

The new headquarters of the Pallottine Fathers and Brothers and the new youth centre in Mbaukwu, Nigeria, were inaugurated in a ceremony on 29 September 2024. This will enable the delegation in Nigeria to better administer itself and to support young people. ‘I am pleased that we can now increasingly place responsibility for the delegation in Nigerian hands,’ said Provincial Father Markus Hau at the opening ceremony. This means that a vision has come true that his predecessor, Father Helmut Scharler, had already envisaged.

The centre in Mbaukwu is to be a place of youth apostolate, a place of residence for the brothers, a place of learning and evangelism, of prayer and spiritual activity, with the chapel at its centre, which was also inaugurated on this day.

Professfeier in Nigeria

Report: Alexander Schweda
Pictures: Patrizia Russo; Pallottines Nigeria (2019), natanaelginting (Flag)

Further articles about our confreres in Nigeria

Responsibility for the Nigeria Delegation is now increasingly in Nigerian hands – with the inauguration of the new buildings
Pallottine Profession and Diaconate Ordination Ceremony
Pallottines from Germany, Austria, Nigeria, Malawi and South Africa met at Province Day
Sacred art objects from Pallottine branches go to Nigeria
"We must learn to discern what is important"
There is a future and life in our departure in Nigeria and Malawi
Provincial Father Markus Hau appointed the house leaders of the local communities and the Nigeria Council of Delegates
The Pallottine Major Superiors for Africa made decisions for the future of the community in Rwanda's capital Kigali
Many thanks to all donors to the hunger campaign. "Because every cent makes you full."
The Pallottines in Germany and Austria are following the elections in Nigeria
A joyful event for the Pallottine community in Nigeria
"It needs a place where dialogue can take place"
Provincial Assembly in the Bavarian Town of Friedberg
Six brothers commit themselves to the Society of the Pallottines
Every day people ask our brothers for help. Hunger is coming back - help us!
Grundsteinlegung für das neue Zentrum der nigerianischen Pallottiner in Mbaukwu
We want to convey Christian values ​​and show young people perspectives
The provincial leadership was warmly welcomed by the confreres in Nigeria
Drive out the dark, make room for the good!
Einladung zum Dialog über Papst-Wort: „Es geht nicht darum, eine andere Kirche zu schaffen, sondern eine Kirche, die anders ist.“
Through his unexpected death, the Pallottine community in Nigeria loses a friend and companion.
Excerpt from the Pallotti Church. Now our great time in Rheinbach has come to an end!
Farewell in Rheinbach: Pallotti Church will be profaned on February 6th, 2021.
Focus of Academy Day 2021: Revealing what we have learned and can still learn during the pandemic!
Folding cards with the motif of St. Martin are sold in Olpe for the benefit of our youth center in Mbaukwu.
On July 18th, 2020, our Confrere Fr. Peter Hillen SAC died at the age of 68, after 42 years of profession and 41 years of priesthood.
The visit to our province begins with conversations.
Farewell lecture, appointment and certificates at the end of the semester at the Theological Faculty in Vallendar.
In Mbaukwu (Nigeria) two confreres made their perpetual and one confrere his first consecration.
At the university in Vallendar, the semester ended with honors. At the start of the holiday there was the traditional summer festival.
On the 20th July 2019, three Nigerian Confreres of the Heart of Jesus Province were ordained priests.
We are happy about our newly consecrated brothers!
The Nigerian Pallottines hostet the Deaconate Ordination at St Dominic parish Mbaukwu.
We are very happy about our five new confreres in Nigeria
Temperatures were rising to 30 degrees Celsius as 5 young Nigerian confreres were given their perpetual consecration in Mbaukwu, Nigeria.
World Mission Sunday in the Pallotti Church of the Provincialate in Friedberg, Bavaria.
Colorful, multicultural and in tune with the times, that is the pastoral training at the Pallottine Pastoral Theological Institute (PthI). A report.
Provincial Father Helmut Scharler and Mission Secretary Father Markus Hau visited the confreres in Nigeria
The so-called “Yam Festival” is celebrated every year in Nigeria. Fr Peter Hillen SAC has now been honored...
He has been committed to the people of Africa for 32 years. He has lived and worked in Nigeria for 10 years.
A special success story in word and pictures. A great THANK YOU to all our benefactors and benefactoresses who through prayer and donations supported us. The Lord will reward you.
At the Pallottine Provincial Congress, confreres in six countries on two continents gathered
