Ichie Odozie Obodo Peter Hillen SAC

Pallottines Win Prize for Largest Yam Root

Our brothers in Nigeria won first prize for the largest yam in their village at the traditional Yam Festival. Wondering what a yam is? The yam root holds great significance in Africa, comparable to the potato in our region. There are more than 200 varieties of this vegetable, with a taste reminiscent of a blend between potato and chestnut.

The annual ‘Yam Festival’ is a celebrated tradition. At this year’s festival in the town of Mbaukwu, Pallottine Father Peter Hillen SAC received special recognition: Ugwe Anugwu, the local tribal king, bestowed upon him the title ‘Ichie Odozie Obodo,’ which translates to ‘Renewer, Builder, Reformer.’ Ugwe Anugwu honored the Pallottines’ commitment in Mbaukwu with this distinction.

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