Pallottines on the Move
First Provincial Assembly under new Leadership in Friedberg
How do you get going as a Province? This was a question posed by the new Provincial, Fr. Markus Hau, during his first Provincial Assembly after his election in Friedberg. His answer is: “We first went on a journey through the Province.”
Around 50 delegates to the assembly looked at the status quo together: where are the Pallottines? Where are they located? In Germany, Austria, Nigeria, Malawi, South Africa, Spain and Croatia. Four themes emerged during the five days of the Assembly, in which it is necessary to develop fields of action during the next three years: Interculturality as the defining theme of the Province is to be unfolded. At the same time, there is the question of the colonial heritage, which the Pallottines want to face in a process of dialogue. Thirdly, it is necessary to face the fact that the community is getting older. “We have to see which steps it takes to do this without playing theater,” Provincial Fr. Hau says. And finally, he states, Pallottines are called to find answers and respond to the crises of this time. Four reasons, actually, to get moving as a Pallottine community.

Text: Alexander Schweda
Image: Bruder Bert Meyer
Translation: Steffi Wolf