Martinsaktion in der Kreisstadt Olpe

Olpe Supports Youth in Nigeria

Martinus cards are available at all pharmacies.

Saint Martin Supports Youth in Nigeria

Saint Martin is the patron saint of the district town of Olpe – a role he has held since the town’s founding in 1311. According to legend, in 334, on a cold winter evening, he rode with other soldiers toward the city gate of Reims. Thick snow covered the streets when suddenly his horse shied. A beggar sat by the roadside, scantily clad in rags. The man whimpered from the cold and stretched out his trembling hand toward Martin. Without hesitation, Martin drew his sword and cut his soldier’s cloak in half. He then handed one half to the beggar and wrapped the other half around himself, urging his horse onward and riding away before the beggar could thank him.

That night, Christ appeared to him in a dream, wearing the half-cloak that he had given to the beggar. This dream impressed Martin so deeply that he decided to be baptized. In 356, he ended his service with the emperor to devote himself to God. Martin became a missionary and was later ordained as a priest. He deeply impressed the people with his pious life of penance and many miracles, which led them to choose him as the successor to the Bishop of Tours in 372.

Virtues such as sharing, friendship, and making friends are also reflected in the work of the Pallottiners in Germany and worldwide, who have already established numerous facilities for children in the mission areas of Africa. They are currently building a children’s and youth center in Nigeria, similar to the well-known one in our district town of Olpe. There is already a secondary school in Mbaukwu, and two universities are under construction. Over 6,000 young people will learn and live together here in the future. “Education and training are crucial for the future of young people. However, more is needed to provide them with a perspective in their home country,” explains Father Markus Hau, the mission secretary of the Pallottiners. “With the youth center, we Pallottiners are with the young people, helping them in a challenging situation in their homeland and across Africa. Many of them are Christians and openly express this. With the help of faith, good guidance, and empowerment, they can find direction here. The youth center, with group rooms, a multipurpose hall, a kitchen, and a chapel, will be a meeting point for about 150 young people. Two local brothers will serve as youth pastoral workers for the young people.”

The Pallottine community has also been active in Olpe for 100 years. This brings everything full circle for Doris Schürmann, who aims to sell folding cards featuring a child-friendly Saint Martin design to selflessly raise funds for the construction of the Pallottiners’ youth center in Nigeria. The original design, painted by artist Hildegard Bielin from Essen, is privately owned.

The cards, complete with an insert and silk-lined envelope, are available for €1.50 at all pharmacies in the town of Olpe, at the Hachmann and Dreimann bookstores, and through the Olpe Aktiv city marketing association. “Of course, we also welcome additional donations. All proceeds will go 100% to the children in Africa. I promise that!” assures Father Markus Hau.

Starting November 11, the so-called Saint Martin’s Day, the cards will adorn the windows of sales outlets. Interested parties will have the opportunity to support this aid initiative by purchasing the cards until December 24. Additionally, the Pallottine reading calendar, featuring interesting stories and beautiful images, will be available for €3.50.

Text & Images: Silke Niederschlag / Olpe aktiv / City Marketing and Culture

Ein Jugendzentrum für Mbaukwu in Nigeria
Die Pallottiner bauen ein Jugendzentum in Mbaukwu (Nigeria).

We are happy to send you a donation receipt for your contributions. Please provide your complete postal address on your transfer form. For donations under €200.00, the tax office recognizes a copy of the bank statement as proof of donation.

Payee: Pallottiner KdöR – Mission
Bank Name: HypoVereinsbank
IBAN: DE75 7202 0070 0007 7054 17
Purpose: Donation for Youth Center in Nigeria

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