Father John Onna Appointed President for the African Superiors
Provincial Father Markus Hau also traveled to the meeting in Rwanda
With the Election of Father John Onna, Regional Superior of the East African Region, as President, the Meeting of African Superiors Concluded in Kigali (Holy Family Province/Rwanda) from June 11-14, with Provincial Father Markus Hau also in attendance. Father Onna succeeds Father Eugène Niyonzima. The next intercontinental meeting will take place in Tanzania in 2025.
New Formation Guidelines for Numerous Novices
At this biannual gathering, which began on June 11 with a pilgrimage, members from all Pallottine units in Africa and those responsible for African countries—such as our Heart of Jesus Province with delegatures in South Africa, Nigeria, and Malawi—came together. A key topic this year was the adoption of an African formation guideline to address the unique challenges of Pallottine life in Africa.
Prevention Remains a Focus on the African Continent
Another major point was the discussion of an abuse prevention policy and its implementation across various countries. Participants also shared insights on developments in different nations and explored opportunities for collaboration. Additionally, the 50th anniversary of the Pallottine mission in Rwanda was celebrated.
During the opening Mass at the Vincent Pallotti Church in Gikonde/Kigali, General Rector Father Zénon Hanas expressed, on behalf of all the Superiors, his gratitude for the warm hospitality extended to them. He congratulated the Holy Family Province on its growth and prosperity, and thanked all members of the Holy Family Province for their personal commitment in organizing the golden jubilee celebrations.

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