Hunger Returns
- we help!
Every day, more and more people come to our brothers asking for help. And the numbers keep growing. Additionally, the war in Ukraine, 6,000 kilometers away, leaves plates empty in Nigeria. With Ukrainian ships stranded in the Black Sea, and grain deliberately destroyed or stolen, the global grain supply has diminished, sending food prices skyrocketing. Added to this are the effects of the pandemic and drought disasters due to climate change. The result: Hunger returns!

You can help alleviate hunger. With your donation, we can expand food stations in Africa, procure food, and provide people with water. Join us in building a fairer world where no one has to go hungry.

As a former Mission Secretary and now as Provincial, Africa holds a special place in my heart. Please continue to place your trust in us and support our commitment to life in Africa.
Es ist wichtig, dass unsere Mitbrüder vor Ort präsent sind und die Nahrungsmittel verteilen können. Wir wollen dieses Angebot flächendeckend ausbauen, überall wo Pallottiner sind. Hunger ist grausam, wir müssen ihn jetzt lindern.
Danach müssen wir zusätzlich strukturelle Probleme angehen: Wasserversorgung, Anbau von heimischem Getreide wie Hirse und Mais.
Your Donation Makes a Difference!
Please Lend Your Support
Raising children is especially challenging.
Click here for more information: We Pallottines are supporting families in Africa affected by the hunger crisis.
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