Hope for the Youth in Nigeria

An Education Center is Being Established in Mbaukwu, Offering Prospects for the Future

For Christians in Nigeria threatened by terror and violence, this project aims to provide hope for the future: the Pallottine Youth Center in Mbaukwu, in the south of the country. After laying the foundation stone, construction is now in full swing.

For Provincial Father Markus Hau, this is the new central project of the Pallottines in Nigeria. It is being realized with support from their German brothers and various sponsors. Currently, the first phase includes much-needed accommodations and community rooms for over 60 priests and students of the community in Nigeria, where the Pallottines are experiencing a true surge in vocations. The result: not a single room remains available.

Following this phase, the actual youth center will be built, featuring a multipurpose hall, group rooms, a kitchen, and a church, each accommodating around 150 people. A large outdoor area between the buildings will provide ample space for additional activities.

Music Is in the Air

Just as with the groundbreaking on what was once an empty lot, music will play a vital role in the future youth center. Father Vincent Obi, a passionate musician and flutist/pianist, is currently gathering inspiration for this project at the highly musical youth education center, Haus Wasserburg, in Vallendar. Music—possibly with a choir and orchestra—will become a cornerstone of youth work in Mbaukwu.

In addition, a local team is developing a program to offer new perspectives to teenagers and young adults. Many young Nigerians see little future in their country after school due to the lack of solid educational opportunities and would prefer to emigrate. The Pallottines aim to help them find a suitable life path at home. Construction is expected to be completed in two years, with a lively, musical inauguration likely to follow.

Text: Andreas Schmidt

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