Managing Director cooking for Salzburg’s Street People
Pallottines make use of the Johannes Schlößl’s Kitchen
What do you do, if – in the blink of an eye – accommodation service is put to a hold? What do you do if you are newly in charge of a clerical training center which has to be kept closed?
It was only a few weeks ago, when managing director Ulrich Walder took over responsibility for the Johannes Schlößl. The first thing he had to do was to close the Pallottines’ guest house and announce short-time work for his employees. “Can you imagine a start worse than that? Of course, our training center and guest house are completely closed and empty, too “, Walder states.
Ulrich Walder is a trained cook. Unceremoniously, the Pallottines of the Salzburg Mönchsberg decided to make use of any free resources: they started cooking for homeless people in Salzburg together with Fr. Franz Lauterbacher from the parish of Mülln.
At the end of last week, Ulrich Walder premiered as a cook in his guest house: barely casserole with meat and “Krautfleckerl” (small pasta squares mixed with white cabbage) were produced in high quantities and delivered to the conventual union of the “Barmherzigen Schwestern” in Salzburg-Mülln. The Barmherzigen Schwestern are “Daughters of Christian Love” and have dedicated themselves to the ill, old and socially deprived people.
Thanks to this initiative, a lot of homeless people got their lunch. Dessert – Osterpinzen, a traditional Easter bread – was delivered by Rosenmayer’s, a local bakery.
There’re going to be more campaigns like this!
