The Pallottine’s Future

Young men to become Apostles

It is for three places to celebrate: Friedberg, Bavaria; Washington D.C. and Vinkovici in Croatia.

“What we have to do to follow Jesus is, above all, to take action in accordance with his spirit, i.e. all movements of our soul shall become similar to those of Jesus Christ. So that we can sincerely follow him in external action which has to be a true expression of our inner mind.” Vincent Pallotti

It was on October 5th, when Stipan Dragun and Patrick Stortz were admitted as noviciates of the Pallottine Society in Friedberg. Br. Bruno Khumburani Mukhupa took his second profession and was admitted into the Pallottine Society for another year. Br. Bruno comes from Malawi, one of the most densely inhabited countries of Africa. Almost 80 percent of its population are Christians.

Brother Marcus Grabisch is currently exploring the bigger picture. He was able to get to know Pallottine life in the United States. That is why he took his third profession in Washington DC witnessed by the Pallottine father Frank Donio. Father Rolf Fuchs who is in charge of the confrères with temporal profession, had also travelled to the U.S. to take part in the ceremony on October 3rd.

Lucijano Čanadžija was able to take his first temporary profession in the Pallottine parish of the Croatian town of Vinkovici on Sunday, October 13th., thereby finishing his time as a novice. At the moment he is studying theology in Zagreb.

When being consecrated, Pallottines dedicate their whole life to God. Taking the vows, they decide to follow Christ. They promise celibacy for the sake of the kingdom of heaven, poverty, obedience, tenacity, communion of goods and altruistic service.

Frater Marcus Grabisch bei seiner dritten Profess
Pater Rolf Fuchs und Frater Marcus Grabisch
Feierliche dritte Profess in Washington D.C.
Aufnahme in das Noviziat der Pallottiner
Zweite Profess von Bruder Bruno aus Malawi
Fest in der Pallottikirche in Friedberg
Lucijano Čanadžija First Profess Croatia
Frater Lucijano Čanadžija SAC
Lucijano Čanadžija

Pictures: Fr. Rainer Schneiders and br. Marcus Grabisch
