Telling is his strong point
Fr. Alexander Holzbach returning to his basics – to Limburg, Germany
Fr. Alexander Holzbach had been editor-in-chief of the Pallottine magazine “das zeichen“ (the sign) and “Pallottis Werk“ (Pallotti’s Works“) for almost 30 years. He had been working for both publications since 1987. Now, he is stepping back from this job and returning to Limburg; to the town everything started from. Yet, he is not the only person to leave, Fr. Sascha-Philipp Geißler, his deputy editor-in-chief is also setting off – for Hamburg, Germany.
“Coming up with ideas, writing articles, finding something worth reading, that has to be in your blood”, Provincial Fr. Helmut Scharler stated during his speech at the occasion of the leaving ceremony in Friedberg, Germany. Just like it is the case with Fr. Holzbach who had already proofed being a conversationist when he was still a very young confrere. This is what Fr. Scharler told the attending authors, agencies, as well as the staff members and the Province.
It was in Limburg where Alexander Holzbach once took over the works of Fr. Hans Wallhoff who had actually charactarized “das zeichen”.
When the northern and the southern Province of the Pallottine community in Germany were merged, the two different magazines called “KA – Katholisches Apostolat” (Catholic Apostolate) and “das zeichen” were merged too. As it so happened headquarters of the editorial department was moved to Friedberg after the merge in 2011. And with it, Fr. Holzbach, who had been working as editor-in-chief since 1991. “Pallottis Werk”, which Fr. Holzbach took over in 1996, was especially near and dear to him. As a community without memories is like a human being without remembrances, Fr. Scharler summarized the publication’s characteristics in his speech. This is how, according to Fr. Scharler, Fr. Holzbach’s narrative works involve the whole cycle of life. “Telling is definitely your strong point!”, Fr. Scharler states. And thus, last but not least through his pilgrimages, Fr. Holzbach constantly broadened his horizon, driven by a healthy kind of curiosity.
“I’ve never been there, I definitely have to go there!“ Fr.. Holzbach is said to have said every once in a while and Fr. Scharler adds that throughout his numerous activities, publications and tasks, Fr. Holzbach has always given “a Friendly face to the church”.
Together with his deputy-editor-in-chief, Fr. Sascha-Philipp Geißler who is leaving for Hamburg, Fr. Alexander Holzbach was fare welled with music, presents and moving words – with respect to Corona restrictions of course. Fr. Christoph Lentz is going to succeed him in his position as Rector of Friedberg’s Pallottine community, Alexander Schweda who has been in responsible for the community’s PR work since April 1st, is now going to take over as editor-in-chief.
Text: Alexander Schweda
Translation: Stefanie Ettenberger
Pictures: Fr. Alois Mäntele