Become a Malawian Pallottine
Become a Priest or Brother
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– follow HIM –
become a Pallottine!
Join us as we build our new community in Malawi.
Our patron saint
Mary Queen of the Apostles is the patron saint of the Union of the Catholic Apostolate, founded by Vincent Pallotti. Vincent Pallotti commissioned a painting showing Mary together with two other women and the apostles receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The painting expresses how the whole community of the faithful – both lay people and priests – have the gifts of the Holy Spirit and a mission. Everyone is called to follow Christ, whether man or woman, young or old, rich or poor.
Active on all continents
Our international community of around 2,500 lay brothers and priests is active on all continents. Our vows mean that we are dedicated wholly to God and to following Christ. We have been called to live for God and in brotherly community selflessly in the service of the human race and the world. We make sacred promises of celibacy, poverty, obedience, perseverance, the sharing of resources, and spirit of service.
Mary the Mother of God is the patron saint of the Pallottines
The original painting “Mary the Untier of Knots” is kept in Augsburg in Germany, not far from our provincialate. The painting is more than 300 years old and known and loved all over the world. Pope Francis himself commissioned a copy for the Vatican. We the Pallottines have had another special copy made for Malawi.

The Pallottines
“God is love and whoever remains in love remains in God.” (1 John 4:16)
We are called Pallottines after our founder, St Vincent Pallotti. Our official name is the Society of the Catholic Apostolate or Societas Apostulatus Catholici (SAC) in Latin. We Pallottines are an all-male religious community within the Catholic Church who have dedicated our lives to God.
Our society has the mission of reawakening faith, rekindling love and spreading both of these in the world.
We play an active part in the life of the Church, strive for the unity of the human race and make an active contribution to what Vincent Pallotti called the “transformation of the world”. We work to bring about change and a fairer and more peaceful world. We therefore see diversity and the participation of everyone – both within our Church and Malawi society – as both an opportunity and a huge asset.
We all share the deep conviction that all Christians should be united and form the Church together. Each and every one of us has their own person vocation – yet it is only together that we form the Church of Jesus Christ.

Our founder Vincent Pallotti
St Vincent Pallotti saw God as infinite love. For him it was important to see the world through God’s eyes in infinite love – even though the world can be a bad and miserable place.
Being present and alert in our communities, interpersonal relationships and tasks is what Pallotti wants for his followers and called this “con attualità”. The Pallottines aim to contribute to the world and bear witness to their faith in a way which is in keeping with the world as it is today. Aggiornamento – applying Jesus’ message to the modern world – is an essential part both of Pallotti’s thinking and the thinking of the Second Vatican Council.
More and more, sempre più – that is how Pallotti describes the relationship between people and God. It is the dynamic of a relationship based on love in which those who love become more and more similar to each other. Each of us is an image of God and is transformed into Jesus Christ, the perfect image of God.
Christians should do everything in their power to bring about the unity of Christians and bring the message of salvation to non-Christians. That way, the Church will be greater sign of unity and salvation for the whole world.
Join the Pallottines
We are listening to God’s call. We feel called to put ourselves at the service of the community here in Malawi.
Join us and play your part in building up the Pallottines here in Malawi. Become a lay brother or a priest in our community.
Contact us or apply now.

Get in contact
If you are interested in our community, please contact us. You will receive full support taking your first steps towards full integration into our community. We would be glad to get in touch with you and answer your questions.
We require a copy of your curriculum vitae (CV) and a written statement outlining your reasons for wishing to join us. After the initial contact we usually invite you to come and meet us in person so we can get to know each other better. At the first meeting we will then agree the next steps with you. This takes the form of things such as daily contact to the community and participation in events organised by the vocational formation ministry team alongside meetings with others who are also interested. You will also spend time living and working in one of our communities and receive spiritual direction. How much spiritual direction each person receives is arranged individually.
We welcome applications for future postulants from autumn
Postulancy is a time when we get to know each other better and the postulant is helped to explore his motivation for joining us. A postulant may decide during this time that he would like to join our society. The other brothers in our society will have got to know the candidate well and if they agree with his decision the candidate may then apply to join the novitiate.
Conditions for acceptance:
We expect prospective candidates to be baptised Catholics over 18 years of age who have either completed a course of professional training or who are educated to a standard roughly equivalent to German Abitur. Candidates should also be competent in English to a reasonable level. We should also be satisfied that the candidate has the required level of physical and mental stamina, affective maturity and the capacity for reflection.

We have a mission – to change the world!
We change ourselves and help to build the Kingdom of God which is among us here and now.
Vincent Pallotti is calling us to raise awareness among all the faithful that they have an apostolic vocation which they should nurture. It is our aim to unite and proclaim Jesus Christ’s message of salvation.
Help us to renew Christian faith and rekindle love. Help us to bring the Gospel to others.
Contact us
The Pallottines
P.O.B. 406 Lilongwe
Fr. Rodrick White Phiri SAC

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