Missionsbericht der Pallottiner 2015 - Kinder in Indien

Mission report 2015 – review and accountability

Practical help – a breakdown of projects by priority

You sponsored and supported major projects in 2015. We are very grateful for this. Our commitment and our support programmes focused again on three continents and three priorities:


Education instead of poverty

Education creates opportunities for children and young people and helps to overcome the cycle of poverty. For this reason, we support school education, boarding school education, the teaching of slum children and tutoring for children and young people in our missions. With regards to vocational training and further education, our support is aimed at young people and adults to order to develop their own skills.

Helping people help themselves

In many parts of the world a vibrant society is growing which is campaigning for a sustainable improvement of living conditions. We, the Pallottines in Germany and Austria, want to strengthen societies by building schools in order to create income which leads to sustainable development. Our help is aimed at people who initiate, supervise and support projects.


Our confreres in the missions work in the formation of candidates for the priesthood and brotherhood, and together with the local people, they advocate on behalf of the disadvantaged and work in various institutions. As spiritual guides they proclaim the faith, as social workers they help people in need.

How your donations have helped

School fees

Missionsbericht der Pallottiner 2015 - Schülerinnen in Afrika

The diocese of Doumé-Abong ‘Mbang is situated in the tropical rainforest of Cameroon and is geographically half the size of the Republic of Ireland. For more than ten years, Pallottines have been involved in the ‘Collége de la Salle’ in Doumé. The school,with boarding facilities, has 200 pupils, whose school fees we contribute to. Many families of the large forest region are poor; some can only muster a part of the school fees and pay with bananas, chickens or goats. We, the Pallottines, provide help there because we want to give these people prospects.

Promoting women

Missionsbericht der Pallottiner 2015 - Frauenförderung

The state of Arunachal Pradesh is located in eastern India, bordering China. The Pallottines of the Nagpur Province are present in Kimin, Yachuli, Daporijo and Siyum with missions and they support the local Christians. Father Johnson Puthur is a priest in Siyum. He helps women in different villages to get organized and offers workshops. Today these women are producing candles, learning tailoring and literacy, producing traditional ornaments, receiving lessons and farming their own fields.

School education

Missionsbericht der Pallottiner 2015 - Schulbildung

Not far from Zambia’s capital Pallottines from the Indian Nagpur Province have opened a primary school. We have co-sponsored the construction of this primary school. It is part of a much larger school which the Pallottines are planning close to the capital Lusaka. In India, we support the education of children and young people in schools and boarding schools throughout the country.

School construction

Missionsbericht der Pallottiner 2015 - Schülerin in Afrika

The Pallottines in Yaoundé lay the foundations to create opportunities for a better future for children and adolescents. Cameroon’s capital, with three million inhabitants, is the country’s second largest city. We maintain a nursery school for 200 children and a primary school for 1100 children in the city district of Mfoundassi. In addition, the construction of a secondary school with space for 21 classes was started last year with our help.

Social work

Missionsbericht der Pallottiner 2015 - Sozialarbeit

Children in South Africa are particularly affected by the rising poverty. In George, Pallottines run a soup kitchen for the poor of the nearby township and distribute food to the elderly in a retirement home. In Queenstown, children get everything they need to live and attend school in the area. In Nagpur, India, we also care for the disadvantaged, help people living with HIV and support the elderly and sick in Doranahalli.

Help at hand

Missionsbericht der Pallottiner 2015 - Hilfe an die Hand

Father Marcel Chibuzo Emeribe lives in the English-speaking Western part of Cameroon.  The Pallottine Father is priest in a small village named Widikum and every weekend he looks after the people in the remote areas. In order to be able to reach these areas, we have given him two motorbikes, as the slopes are impassable for a car.

Mass intentions

Missionsbericht der Pallottiner 2015 - Priester in Indien

Across the globe, Pallottines pray for the concerns of the faithful. We were able to pass on the numerous small donations for Mass intentions to the local confreres in the missions last year yet again.


We, the Pallottines, are especially grateful to all those people who have been supporting our missionaries worldwide for many years. One of our 40 missionaries in Latin America, Africa and Asia, who is being supported by family, friends and aquaintances, is Jakob Wasensteiner. The missionary from Lenggries in Germany works in the suburbs of São Paulo City in a multi-religious environment, and has become an ‘enabler’ there.

Formation of priests and brothers

Missionsbericht der Pallottiner 2015 - Priester- und Brüderausbildung

In Africa and Asia, we support the training for the priesthood and brotherhood. Every year young candidates begin formation in one of our formation houses. They are preparing themselves to assume duties within the community of the Church. Well trained pastoral carers and competent “enablers” guarantee a closeness to the people.

Bank account for donations:
Missionssekretariat der Pallottiner
HypoVereinsbank Augsburg
IBAN: DE75 7202 0070 0007 7054 17

This is where your donations have helped

Weltkarte Missionsbericht 2016

Distribution of donations

South America



We want to be part of the solution

With your help, we are changing the world

It is difficult to predict how many people will be on the move trying to escape conflict, persecution, poverty and insecurity in the coming years. The number of those fleeing their homelands will rise to unprecedented heights if there is no political resolution to the conflicts. There are those who say that tackling the causes has been neglected for years. Our mission work starts right there. In order to ensure that peace and justice are not just empty words, each with his talents, his strength and his knowledge can work to change the world. The time has come not to work against one another, but rather hand in hand with each other. This requires the personal attention of us Christians and the belief that God is visible in each person.

We, the Pallottines, want to change the world for the better and with your help we support projects in our mission areas. We want to be part of the solution by helping people assist one another in solidarity and giving poor people prospects for the future. We support, for example, the construction of schools in poor countries and thus lay foundations for a better future. To give an example, I am grateful to all supporters who have helped us start the construction of the high school in Cameroon.

In our mission areas, we stand in solidarity with our confreres who advocate for the disadvantaged, offer training programmes and perform tasks within the community to enable young candidates to train for the priesthood and brotherhood. A focus of our Province is the financial support of the formation houses where young candidates for Pallottine priesthood and brotherhood study and prepare for life in the community and for service to the people.

I am very grateful to relatives, friends and other supporters of our missionaries who time and again open their hearts and send them money so that they can finance their projects abroad. The commitment of our missionaries is far-reaching. Far away from home, they are often involved in social and charitable institutions. Likewise in mission stations, they also provide assistance to the Christians locally.

In Africa and Asia, the Pallottines also support those people who are at the margins of society and need special care. We support HIV projects and the care of the elderly and people in need. We pay the school fees of children whose families are too poor to afford it themselves and thus provide long-term prospects. We help people who are in need through no fault of their own and we are a point of contact for all our missionaries’ concerns. We do not only want to pass on donations to our missionaries, but also ask what the projects have achieved and what improvements can be made. It is our concern to hand over high-quality projects and institutions to the future generation of Pallottines which will change the life of the local people positively and long term.

My heartfelt thanks!

Brother Bert Meyer SAC
Pallottine Mission Secretary

Pallottiner Bruder Bert Mayer

Br. Bert Meyer SAC
The Pallottine’s Mission Secretary

All photos in the Mission Report are from Brother Bert Meyer.

Mission Report 2015 in PDF format

A PDF-dowloadable version of the mission report 2015 is availabe here.


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