Spread wide the place of your tent

16 Chapter III, based on the contents developed thus far, undertakes an analysis of Pallotti’s charism and attempts to derive the approaches and mandates contained therein for the future. Here lays the fi rst major focus of the study. A second one concerns the statements on the topic of “Church”, which, in Chapter IV, places Pallotti’s theology in relationship to the decisive statements of the Second Vatican Council. Thereby, the four notae ecclesiae set the framework for the structure of that section. This chapter contains Pallotti’s great perspectives, which open the horizon to the future. This includes the connection between the holiness of all people, their absolute and unconditional dignity and rights. Then there is the existential meaning of human community which has its origins in the Triune God and which must lead to collaboration within the one human family. Finally, there is the topic of lay apostolate, that concern by which the Pallottine family became especially known, as well as the question of catholicity within the Church of today. The vitality of the entire People of God in Pallotti’s apostolate is one of the prevailing challenges in times of fearful revisionism and restoration of ecclesial life. John XXIII referred to them in his opening address “Gaudet mater ecclesia” to the Second Vatican Council as “the prophets of doom”.7 That which in Pallotti’s day led to tensions with the Propaganda Fide, which could not and would not support an explicitly apostolic activity for the laity, still is highly current today according to the present state of Canon Law and Roman Catholic praxis. Pallotti does not substantiate the universal apostolate judicially, but ontologically.8 He takes up Pet 2, 9,9 the priestly, kingly and holy people. The search for a suitable conciliar hermeneutic has, in the question of the priestly People of God and its apostolic task as a whole and for each individual, a focal point, which is tightly connected to the question 7 AAS (196), S. 786-796 (8) “It often happens, as we have learned in the daily exercise of the apostolic ministry, that, not without offense to Our ears, the voices of people are brought to Us who, although burning with religious fervor, nevertheless do not think things through with enough discretion and prudence of judgement. These people see only ruin and calamity in the present conditions of human society. They keep repeating that our times, if compared to past centuries, have been getting worse. And they act as if they have nothing to learn from history, which is the teacher of life, and as if at the time of past Councils everything went favorably and correctly with respect to Christian doctrine, morality, and the Church's proper freedom. We believe We must quite disagree with these prophets of doom who are always forecasting disaster, as if the end of the world were at hand.” 8 Cf. Valentin PIZZOLATO, Die Kirchenvision Vinzenz Pallottis, in: Kirche imWandel (Pallottinische Studien zu Kirche und Welt 2), St. Ottilien 1999, pp. 12-62, esp. p. 40. 9 1 Pet 2,9: But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.